

 I am in my fourth semester of the degree, so I have not had a fully face-to-face semester during my stay at the university. For this reason, I could not propose too many changes to the face-to-face study plan that the faculty has. If everything goes well and COVID-19 ceases to be a serious problem, we would return to the closest thing to normality, we would have face-to-face classes, without stopping using hygienic self-care measures or masks. About my study plan, I think that the courses are well structured, I feel that there would be a lack of a specialized course in research work for the third year of the degree, to gain experience in a future thesis. I would add a course on biology so that we could arrive prepared for “Elements of Biochemistry and Microbiology” because until that point in the course we would not have fresh knowledge of biology. Regarding the duration of the studies, I think that most of the students who extend their years of study may be because some branche

Post 6: Time travel to the future

 I traveled to the future, specifically to the year 2050, and found Chile a better country, where poverty has decreased, there is no discrimination, it is a multicultural country where we all live without conflict. It is a future concerned with the environment, in which people became aware that we must protect our planet, where there is no plastic and there is awareness of recycling and caring for our water, 100% of the cars are electric, so that pollution decreased, with better measures to combat global warming and thus maintain our landscapes, our heritage and the care of animals. Technology has advanced, it has helped to find a cure for certain diseases and to have a better quality of life. In this future, people have a different mindset, without hatred or prejudice towards people with different interests, understanding that we are all diverse. In this year, COVID-19 no longer exists, it was eradicated from the world, we no longer wear masks, there is no reduced capacity, we

Post 5: My Future Job

 In my school years, I always doubted what I wanted to do the most in the future, I liked gastronomy, sports such as basketball, soccer, but I also liked mathematics and physics. After finishing high school, I was thinking of studying geology or chemistry, but in the end, I decided to study chemistry. I have always liked chemistry, how matter is composed, its properties and structure, as well as its relationships with other sciences, such as physics and biology. In the future I hope to dedicate myself to the area of ​​research, discovering new phenomena that will be applied in the future, to obtain greater knowledge about chemistry. The investigations are carried out based on the scientific method, obtaining through information and experimentation, the expected conclusions for the investigation. This work is done through books, scientific publications, as well as in chemical laboratories. I would love to research physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, or organic chemistry, o

Post 4: Childhood Series

When I was little we didn't have cable TV, so we watched the ones that were broadcast on free televisión channels. I really liked seeing some like SpongeBob, Hey Arnold, Courage, Pokémon, and many more. But without a doubt the one I enjoyed the most was The Simpsons, like forgetting the great adventures of this family, I was always attentive to Canal 13 so as not to miss any chapter. One series that I loved was Avatar the Last Airbender, I waited every weekend to see it, although as I was very young I could not fully understand its history since the chapters were given out of order. But this year I found out that it is on Netflix, so I decided to watch it in order, and I loved it even more, it has great characters, a great soundtrack and it is deeper than I thought, I'd definitely watch it again. Another very important series for me is Naruto, I started watching it when I was 12 years old, I saw the first series and then the sequel until I reached the premiere chapters from

Post 3: My pet

One day in 2014, we were on our way to the supermarket and outside a house, there was a small kitten, we went over to pet it and we left. Then the next day we found him again and as we saw that there were more kittens in that house, we decided to speak with the owner to adopt him, to which she accepted. This is how Loki came to our home. Loki is a white cat with black spots, he likes to go through all the houses on the street, but when he sees another cat enters his home, he does not hesitate to fight to protect it. Due to these fights, he has had two abscesses on his face, the first we had a bad experience with a veterinarian who wanted to scam us, telling us that the wound would remain open forever since the skin was necrotic and that he would have to be hospitalized, as We were not satisfied, we went to another vet who took better care of us and healed Loki quickly. In the second abscess, we had no problems because we already knew what to do. Loki is very important because he is

Post 2: The best concert ever

My first concert was unforgettable, and it's precisely from my favorite band, Iron Maiden. It was on October 15, 2019, in a packed Estadio Nacional. Iron Maiden is a Heavy Metal band, not only one of the most important within the genre, but one of the most important of all time. He has 17 studio albums and 24 world tours in more than 40 years of career. It was the ninth time they visited our country, and one of the most important visits since seven months before the show the tickets were completely sold out, causing the band to schedule a second show in Chile for the first time. The atmosphere at the concert was impressive, total euphoria, 64 thousand people in the audience, flares were lit, each song was sung, I still get goosebumps when I remember that great day, I lived it with great emotion. I remember that the first song, which is one of my favorite songs, was so much euphoria in the audience that I lost my shoe. Iron Maiden promised to return in 2020, due to the pande

Post 1: Turkey

 Although visiting a distant country may be impossible in these times, I would love to visit Turkey, because it is a country with a great history and beautiful archaeological sites. Turkey is a country located in Asia and Europe, but it's considered a European country because it's part of the European Union. It has a population of 84 million people in an area of 785 thousand kilometers, is a highly populated country. It's a country with a large number of archaeological sites, due to the empires and civilizations that transcended the Turkish territory. We can find small towns and ruins of ancient empires, along with different types of gastronomy around the country. It's culturally rich because the Muslim customs of the times of the sultanate are maintained, and at the same time, they acquired European customs. If I traveled to Turkey, I would like to visit the main cities such as, for example; the capital Ankara, the greater Istanbul, flying in Cappadocia's hot